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Increase Squats and Front Squats

Increasing your squat weight and being able to squat more will give you explosive strength. Explosive strength is extremely beneficial in many sports from Football to Soccer to Sprinting. Prioritize the muscle groups you want to strengthen and identify the ones which would benefit the most from recovery. Compex training recommends focusing on the glutes, quads, hamstrings and abs. As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intensity.

Increasing Your Squat Benefits These Sports

Targeted Muscle Group: Glutes


Resistance - Level 1-2 first 2 weeks | Level 3-5 after 2 weeks
As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intesntiy.


Active Recover, Recover Plus, Pre-Warm Up
glutes electrode placement

Targeted Muscle Group: Quads

Compex Mode For Strength:

Endurance or Resistance - Level 1-2 first 2 weeks | Level 3-5 after 2 weeks
As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intesntiy.

Compex Mode For Recovery:

Active Recover, Recovery Plus, Pre-Warm Up
quad electrode placement

Targeted Muscle Group: Hamstrings

Compex Mode For Strength:

Strength - Level 1-2 first 2 weeks | Level 3-5 after 2 weeks
As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intesntiy.

Compex Mode For Recovery:

Active Recover, Recovery Plus, Pre-Warm Up
hamstring electrode placement

Targeted Muscle Group: Abs

Compex Mode For Strength:

Resistance - 1-2 first 2 weeks | Level 3-5 after 2 weeks
As you continue to use the device, you may find the need to increase the intesntiy.

Compex Mode For Recovery:

Active Recover, Recovery Plus, Pre-Warm Up
ab electrode placement